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Side 1
Fine Hair in a Fine-tooth Comb

Side 2
Neighbors (House Mix)

E. Star - Domestic Music

  • All spaces show signs of having infinite potential and ambient duo, E. STAR, know this inherently. A calming radiance enters the room. Watch shadows touch the light and culminate into the offering that is DOMESTIC MUSIC. Traversing ghostly interiors we find that every nook and hallway is as brilliant as the next. The hot star reaches it's peak hour and all the shade grows inevitably long. Everything is here. We needn't search any further because we know that not only do these spaces exist in the outer-world, but also within our very own minds. Recorded in Summer of 2017, Brooklyn NY.

    Edition of 100 - artwork by: B. Hackford & C. Padgitt Coles
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